Monday, 8 December 2014


Just a quick update.

i have finished my first IDGAf initiation required reading book!!!

I found the insights super helpful, the history fascinating and the way that science was interrelated compelling. I felt some of the generalities a bit much at times but all in all a simply wonderful way to really begin this whole process.

With the festive time of year I thought it best to go back to read(and in fact finish reading) The Wiccan Year by Judy Ann Nock. With the tools I learned from the Higginbothams, I feel that the discussions and practices in this book will be much more relevant than the first time i tried to read it.

I think it's the firming of the idea of interconnectedness that really makes the absorbing of more of this kind of information that much easier. I have really been opened up to the thoughts of my whole being, of being able to take what I need from these sources and do what I need to do with it. It's an empowering thought and one I intend to run with.

A quick note on a "blog prompt".

I have not been diagnosed with any mental illnesses but still felt compelled to write something. I feel that I may struggle with my confidence at times and can really have some harsh negative self talk. A theme that I am becoming more closely focused on in my personal practice is positivity. To try and see the positive in all things. To really try and look at things as "half full".

Because I think that it makes my life worth living and I think it can really have an impact on the lives of those whom I come in contact with. I am not going around ignoring negative things but I am attempting to be responsible for how I react to things. That is all I can control.

So I am not wearing "rose tinted glasses" but genuinely putting forth hope and compassion. I have to believe that things are good and will default to positive. Otherwise, what's the point?

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